If you believe Logo Design is simple, you are most likely not a designer. Even for seasoned professionals, creating a beautiful and functional logo is a difficult creative challenge. It’s a time-consuming process that necessitates extensive research, expertise, and planning. (This is why we can almost always guarantee that delegating the task to an intern or a relative will fail miserably.)
However, even the most skilled designer can make mistakes. Small errors and oversights can easily sabotage the Logo Design process—and the final design—without your knowledge. That is why it is critical to understand what to avoid right away.
The Top 9 Logo Design Mistakes
At B1 Media, we’ve designed logos for a long time, so we know how to help you avoid rookie mistakes. If you’re starting a new or struggling with an existing one, here’s a list of the most common issues, as well as our best tips and tricks to help you get through the process.
1) Failure to Follow an Intuitive Process
If you simply tell your team to start brainstorming ideas, you could end up with 3 or 300. If you tell your team to pick one (without providing any guidelines, rubrics, or reasoning), it may be impossible for them to narrow it down. The end result? You go through endless rounds of futile.
2) Confusion in Terminology
To ensure that any creative project runs smoothly, everyone must be on the same page and speak the same language. As a result, it’s critical to use the proper terminology.
Understand the meanings of your logos. The term “logo” has become a catch-all term for any image associated with a brand, but there are specific definitions for a logo mark, wordmark, or combination mark in Logo Design.
Logo Mark is the image that represents a brand (for example, Nike’s swoosh or Apple’s apple).
A logotype/wordmark is a styled font that contains a brand name (for example, Coca-elaborate Cola’s script or Gucci’s clean font).
3) Failure to Conduct Enough Research
Fundamentally, creating a logo is a communication task. How can photography effectively convey the spirit of a brand? You must have a thorough knowledge of what you are trying to communicate—or not to communicate—in order to achieve this effectively. You can accomplish this more effectively the more knowledge you have.
Sometimes inexperienced designers or impatient brands will skip the brainstorming phase entirely. This invariably leads to a weak logo that doesn’t faithfully reflect or represent the brand.
4) Producing a Color Version of Your Logo
A strong logo can be seen without color. Color is obviously a crucial component, but starting with color can make it more difficult to determine whether your design is effective enough. Even worse, ideas that actually function may be disregarded simply because a hue offended someone.
5) Using the Same Typography for Brand Content and Your Wordmark
You want to use a straightforward, clean font for your wordmark. However, you shouldn’t pick a pristine typeface for your wordmark (e.g, Arial, 12 point). Why? Because your wordmark need to be distinctive, special, and a representation of the visual language of your brand.
6) Using Isolated Images
It shouldn’t be necessary to say this, but we must. Nothing will increase the forgettability of your brand like generic pictures. You get the idea: hands shakin’ to represent community, lightbulb for brilliant ideas.
7) Creating a Strong Logo
Your logo will be utilized in a variety of contexts and formats. It ought to function properly in print, online, and at various sizes (e.g., your website favicon). Your logo won’t translate effectively at lower sizes if it is very complex. It won’t be unusual enough to get notice if it’s too generic.
8) Using offensive imagery (Without Realizing It)
Particularly in design, the devil is in the details. White space or shapes can be deliberately employed to effectively promote brand messaging. This, however, might also backfire. Many Logo Designs, such as those with excessively phallic shapes, incongruous or unpleasant symbols in white space, etc., unintentionally convey the wrong message.
9) Being a Hivemind Victim
Your logo should stand out and be distinctive. Nevertheless, industry norms or even current design trends can easily divert attention. Due to the homogenization of entire industries in recent years, this has become particularly true.
Keep in Mind That Your Visual Identity Is More Than Just Your Logo
There are plenty more methods to express who you are and what you stand for, even if your logo may be the most recognizable component of your visual identity. For additional advice on building a powerful brand:
To ensure that your visual identity complies with your brand objectives, finish developing your brand strategy.
Use our checklist to create a thorough visual identity and these guidelines to create a powerful brand identity.
Create a tagline, value proposition, and communications pillars that tell a unified, consistent story using our free messaging template.